Wednesday, March 15, 2006


現在是零晨三點了!! 但我仲未訓得著呀!!!! 為什麼呀? 放完兩日假就好容易會發生呢d事... 最主要是今日四朵金花食飯, 果間餐廳是用超超大大的杯serve咖啡的!! 唉... 沒想到自己會真是睡不著ma...
eeeeeeee... >_<
眼光光... @_@
明日要做早機呀! 救命呀~
"the Unicorn has always been more than simply an animal with one horn. It is a symbol. A symbol of what? Well, pretty much every positive virtue really. Harmony, strength, purity, innocence, speed, freedom, beauty, grace, magic, wisdom."
"Just as his appearance may vary, so does his role in the world: sometimes he is simply a beautiful animal. At other times he has an intelligence at least on a par with our own, and is famed for his gentle wisdom. Often he is a creature of divinity, pure of heart and spirit beyond any mortal's reach, possessed of incredible powers of creation and healing. In China he is a creature of good omen, appearing to those destined for greatness: the mother of the philosopher Confucius was one such. In ancient Japan he appeared as a celestial judge, slaying the guilty and freeing the innocent. The Christian faith holds him as a symbol of Jesus Christ."


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